Created on Wednesday, 22 Nov 2023 21:29:58
The National Council on Education (NCE) salutes all children in Jamaica and the rest of the world as we celebrate World Children’s Day 2023. It is the Council’s earnest wish that all children worldwide will be cared for in supportive and stimulating environments. As we celebrate World Children’s Day in 2023, we pray a special blessing that all children both locally and abroad will be loved, protected and kept safe from all harm. The NCE is imploring members of our society to provide a safety net for all children and not just their own.
May we also be mindful of the many children who are negatively impacted by poverty both locally and overseas in particular those living under adverse circumstances such as abuse, neglect, war, crime and violence. We are also mindful of the many children who have lost their lives in the Gaza Strip as a result of a senseless war. May their dear souls rest in peace and light perpetual shine upon them. It is the Council’s fervent wish that all citizens of Jamaica will act as vanguards in protecting the rights of our children so that they may grow in peace and unity and become worthwhile citizens of Jamaica and, by extension, the rest of the world. We also hope that our parents and teachers will provide the children with meaningful learning life experiences that they can enjoy and treasure in the years to come.
Let us be cognisant of the theme for World Children’s Day 2023 “For Every Child, Every Right”.

About Us

The establishment of the NCE was born out of the need to have a non-partisan, national and strategically placed organisation that would "address a wide range of issues impacting the education process".


For general information about the NCE, please contact us at:

  • nce(@)
  • (876) 922-1400-9 Extns: 2031-2034
  • Ministry of Education, Youth & Information
  • Caenwood Centre, The Media Building, 1st Floor
  • 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5