Created on Monday, 12 Aug 2024 23:39:01

NCE Transforming Education for National Development
"Effective Boards Lead Effective schools."

The Jamaica Education Transformation Commission 2001 in its report highlighted Governance and Accountability as an important Pillar for Transforming the Education System. 
The NCE, an agency responsible for school governance, has developed a draft Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for school boards in their effort to govern public educational institutions in Jamaica more effectively. 
On July 23, 2024 a joint meeting of the Council's Policy and Planning and School Governance Committee was held to review the framework towards finalization. This is in support of the concept that schools that are effectively governed will result in students being well served and their learning enhanced. 
The National Council on Education continues its work as they press on to make Governance one of the 7 Pillars of TREND impactful to the transformation of education. 

About Us

The establishment of the NCE was born out of the need to have a non-partisan, national and strategically placed organisation that would "address a wide range of issues impacting the education process".


For general information about the NCE, please contact us at:

  • nce(@)
  • (876) 922-1400-9 Extns: 2031-2034
  • Ministry of Education, Youth & Information
  • Caenwood Centre, The Media Building, 1st Floor
  • 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5